Kurikindi – Amazonian Shaman2023-11-07T23:44:53+00:00

The Kurikindi Kawsay Centre

The Kurikindi Kawsay centre, based in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest, is the vision and mission of Kurkindi, an original elder of the Kichwa people. Kurikindi has spent many years walking a path of service to humanity and to the Divine which has led him to share his experience and teachings with the world. A life that began deep within the amazon rainforest, Kurikindi’s path has seen him travel far and wide, inspiring and opening the hearts of many as he honours his mission to the divine, planting seeds of light into the heart of humanity.

Upcoming Retreats


The years of walking a path of service have led to the vision of the Kawsay centre.

The centre offers a focal point of light, where people of all nations are welcomed to participate in the process of reconnecting to their true essence, to mother earth and to the divine. A space which brings global elders together, creating a new platform of universal and divine wisdom, all in service to the planet and the transformation of our existence.

The meaning of Kawsay, a keystone in the foundation of the centre, is ‘the essence and harmonious balance of life’. Achieving Kawsay requires the cultivation of the seeds of light placed in each and every one of us to restore our connection with all living beings, thus creating space for a new beginning.

Through processes of meditation and prayer, the use of sacred medicinal plants, and the sharing of universal wisdom, healing of the mind, body and spirit can commence, allowing the heart to open and reconnecting us to the harmonious essence of life, the essence of Kawsay. We welcome you to be a part of this unique and transformative experience.

Upcoming Retreats

We are pleased to announce our upcoming retreats. For further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Get in Touch

To find out more about the centre, our service and facilities or any other questions you may have that will assist in planning your visit, please follow the link below.

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