
About Kurikindi

Kurikindi was born in the rainforest of Ecuador, into a long lineage of shamans, dating back thousands of years. Both of his parents were shamans and it was recognised very early on that he too was born with the same ability. He was treated very differently from the outset and started his shamanic training at an early age. Kurikindi possessed a natural balance between his divine masculine and feminine energies, giving him the ability to synchronise and develop his essence clearly which in turn deepened his connection to the divine. His mother would often find him in meditation and when asked what he was doing he would simply reply “I am speaking to the Divine”.


Within his family lineage both men and women were practising shamans, giving Kurikindi the unique opportunity to learn in a clean and balanced way.

This further strengthened and harnessed his shamanic abilities. At the age of nine and at the request of his father, Kurikindi was given the opportunity to join a privileged circle of shamans from the community. This would offer the opportunity to participate in medicine ceremonies with plants such as the Master Medicine Ayahuasca. On many occasions he would be given the responsibility to prepare the ceremonial medicine for the circle.

This was hard work and he would often wonder why he had been tasked with such a responsibility, which led him to ask his father one day. His father explained “your medicine is magic”, and these words delivered an acceptance within him for his role within his community.

As a child Kurikindi was favoured by many of the elder shamans, as with him present, sitting on their knees, through him they could see things they would not otherwise see. It was clear Kurikindi was a very special boy.

During the time spent with his father Kurikindi had to amass a great amount of knowledge of the natural world, the power of plants and their medicinal, magical properties.

His early experiences led to his initiation as a practising adult shaman at the tender age of eleven.


It was at the age of 15 when Kurikindi had his first vision of the Divine. The Divine shared great wisdom which changed him in many ways; but the young boy, growing in his magic and knowledge, rebelled and told God to leave his body. With the Divine gone so too was his essence. For days he felt like he was dying and with this the realisation came that he could not live without the Divine.

He began to pray for his connection and essence to return and his prayers were answered. He continued to learn and mature whilst cultivating and growing in his essence. He spent time working at a butterfly farm and was studied by many in the scientific community as his abilities were not of this world.


Kurikindi had to pass through many challenges in his life, “I had to cross the desert”. He has shared details of an occasion where he came face to face with the darkness, who commanded that he knelt before him for the promise of riches and power. Kurikindi refused, declaring “kill me if you want to but I will never kneel before you”. He describes a physical experience of feeling himself bleeding, dying and then suddenly the divine heavens opened up and he could see angels and hear trumpets, he had survived. His strength and faith in the Divine had brought a victory in the heavens and a victory within himself.

The Divine came to visit with Kurikindi again through a second vision, and as before shared many things with the same love and generosity. The Divine asked him to place his hand within a circle of fire that appeared before him. Upon placing his right hand into the fire he saw the mark of the divine cross on his finger.

This was also when he saw the face of the Divine. God had only one request of Kurikindi, to walk the path of service to others. To share the wisdom he had learnt with the world and for this wisdom to be taught to everyone, with love, compassion, forgiveness, humility and acceptance at the foundation.

This marked the start of great change in Kurikindi’s life, bringing a clear vision and mission for the future.

Kurikindi’s life continued to evolve with many new responsibilities.

In 2009 whilst presiding as president of Sani Isla, the community became threatened by the imposing will of the PetroAmazonas Corporation who sought to penetrate the heart of the Rainforest in an effort to mine oil.

After a valiant effort spearheaded by Kurikindi, the community ultimately agreed to allow the oil company onto their lands, a decision which brought great disappointment to Kurikindi. As the face of their campaign he was also receiving many threats made by the oil companies. This ultimately led to Kurikindi’s decision to leave Ecuador with his wife and child.

In 2015 Kurikindi travelled to the United Kingdom and for a period of time was prevented from returning to Ecuador. Unable to return home, he was now faced with the challenge of living in a foreign country, unable to speak the language.

The depth of his faith and commitment to his mission was all the strength he needed whilst he adapted to this new world around him. It took some years adjusting to life in the UK, learning the customs, culture and language. Although he had found a new home with his family, Kurikindi never forgot his life in ecuador.

Living in the UK presented many new opportunities for Kurikindi. Whilst attending the Shamanic Land Conference, Kurikindi was approached by many people asking him to teach his wisdom, to which he initially refused. He later went on to meet a woman who again made the same request of him. After this meeting he went into deep meditation and the Divine confirmed that it was time to begin sharing the seeds of love and compassion with the global community, this woman was to become his first student.

In 2017 he began teaching and leading workshops which marked the beginning of the next phase in his service to humanity. The years which followed saw Kurikindi go on to teach many students from diverse backgrounds, imparting the wisdom that had taken him 4 decades to acquire. He also travelled around the world to numerous workshops, retreats and offerings, following his path and planting the seeds of light from the divine.

Kurikindi’s work has transformed many people’s lives and to continue with his service to the Divine, the vision of the Kurikindi Kawsay project was born.


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