
Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find a selection of the most frequently asked questions concerning our retreats and services. If you don’t see a question you’d like answered here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I’ve never taken plant medicine before. What should I expect?2023-03-02T17:25:58+00:00

It’s better not to have any expectations. Our itinerary has descriptions of each ceremony which will give you an organic feel into each one. Come with an open heart, mind and good intentions and the experience will match that vibration.

How do your ceremonies differ from other healing centres?2023-06-21T22:36:21+00:00

Ceremonies at Kurikindi Kawsay are a unique experience providing you with clarity and the wholesome foundation necessary for your growth and development in the universal magic of the light. Our retreats offer the opportunity for you to achieve an enhanced vision of how to live your life with the essence of the divine, give you a better understanding of the technology of your mind, body and spirit and free you from any stagnant energies that may be blocking you from your true life essence.

How should I best prepare for this experience?2023-03-02T17:26:35+00:00

It is advisable to meditate or have some quiet time leading up to your stay. This will give you space in your mind, body and spirit to focus on your intentions and bring enhanced clarity.

Are there any dietary guidelines ?2023-03-02T17:26:53+00:00

Please refrain from using any drugs a week prior to your stay. If you are on medication please let Kurikindi or a member of staff know the details.

Do you offer integration support ?2023-03-02T17:27:09+00:00

We currently do not offer separate integration support. Your integration will be an organic process throughout your time at the centre, offering plenty of time for meditation, conversation and of course ceremony time to be aided in this process. We aim to help you reach a space by the time you leave that you feel centred and in a good flow with your integration.

Can I attend the ceremonies if I am on my moon cycle ?2023-03-02T17:27:25+00:00

Yes, all ceremonies are open to participants on their moon cycle. It is good to let Kurikindi or a member of staff know just in case any extra preparation needs to be made.

Do you have medical facilities?2023-03-02T17:27:43+00:00

No, we do not have medical facilities. Should we have a medical emergency, Puyo hospital is within a 45 min drive.

What is the cancellation policy?2023-03-02T17:27:59+00:00

Once you have confirmed your space you will be required to pay a 50% deposit which is non refundable. Please be secure that you can attend before you pay your deposit.

Are children welcome?2023-03-02T17:28:19+00:00

Children are welcome but this does depend on the type of retreat that is taking place and should be spoken to Kurikindi or a member of staff before arranging your trip.

What clothes shall I bring?2023-03-02T17:28:36+00:00

It is advised to bring modest, comfortable clothing suitable for a varying rainforest climate. Temperature typically reaches the mid 20s during the day but can get quite chilly in the evenings. Of course expect rain, so waterproofs and Wellington boots or good quality walking boots will be a necessity.

Can I wash my clothes there?2023-03-02T17:28:58+00:00

Depending on the length of your retreat there will be one or multiple opportunities for your clothes to be taken to a laundry service in the closest town.

Do you offer payment plans?2023-03-02T17:29:16+00:00

Sorry, we do not currently offer payment plans. 50% deposit at time of booking and the remaining 50% 30 days before arrival. There is the option to bring the remaining 50% in cash.

Can you facilitate those with physical disabilities?2023-03-02T17:29:34+00:00

With a strong and determined spirit anything is possible. We will do our best to accommodate physical disabilities. Please talk to a member of staff before booking your trip.

Can I leave before the end of the retreat?2023-03-02T17:29:53+00:00

It is not recommended to leave before the end of the retreat. You will not receive a refund and your energetic process will not be complete.

What activities are there to do during downtime?2023-03-02T17:30:12+00:00

The itinerary is designed to keep downtime balanced. When there is downtime it is good to rest, be with nature and focus on integrating the energy from each ceremony.

How do I get from Quito airport to the Kurikindi Kawsay centre ?2023-03-02T17:30:30+00:00

We will rendezvous at Hotel Quito on the allocated day provided on your itinerary. A bus will take you to the Kurikindi Kawsay centre.

Is it imperative that I make the transfer bus ? Can I make my own way there ?2023-03-02T17:30:50+00:00

Yes, the itinerary begins in Quito and it is important that we begin this journey together.

Where is the Kurikindi Kawsay centre ?2023-03-02T17:31:14+00:00

The Kurikindi Kawsay centre is located on the outskirts of Puyo, Pastaza in a beautiful rainforest location.

What accommodation is provided ?2023-03-02T17:31:30+00:00

The accommodation will be natural style cabanas. Each cabana has two double size beds and a bathroom which is equipped with a toilet and shower. The cabanas have been geometrically designed to offer you the best energetic and physical comfort.

Is food provided and what dietary bracket does it full under ?2023-03-02T17:31:48+00:00

The food will be natural, simple and sufficient to support you throughout your journey. Our food preparation is designed to keep your body strong and nourished. We will take some moderate supplies from the city, consisting of vegetables, fruit, grains, meat and fish. Fresh juices will be provided with each meal and bottled water is always available throughout your stay. If you are unable to eat any of the foods listed please inform us in advance so that we can make the required preparations. We may ask you to bring some of your own special items if your diet is very restrictive.

What is the itinerary ?2023-03-02T17:32:04+00:00

The itinerary will be provided once you have confirmed your space and provided the deposit amount for your stay.

Will I be able to leave the centre ?2023-03-02T17:32:23+00:00

There will be organised excursions which will require us to leave the centre. Other than that it is not recommended to leave the centre.

If I cancel, can I get a refund ?2023-03-02T17:32:40+00:00

No refund will be issued once the deposit has been paid and your space has been allocated.

Are there any medical personnel or staff?2023-03-02T17:32:58+00:00

No, we do not have medical personnel on staff. We aim to have at least one person qualified in first aid on site.

What is the policy on recreational or illegal drugs?2023-03-02T17:33:14+00:00

At no time are recreational or illegal drugs allowed in the Kurikindi Kawsay centre. It is very important that all Ecuadorian laws are obeyed. Most drugs that are illegal in other countries are also illegal in Ecuador.

Upcoming Retreats

We are pleased to announce our upcoming retreats. For further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Get in Touch

To find out more about the centre, our service and facilities or any other questions you may have that will assist in planning your visit, please follow the link below.

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