

It is only the healer who works in the light, who walks a path guided by their connection with the divine that embodies the understanding of what it is to be luminous.


Humanity exists in a middle world between the divine frequency and the lower frequency, the effects of both seen through the many beautiful expressions of life and the tragic acts of darkness in the world.

Luminosity is observed around us through the light emitted by the sun, the stars and the many galaxies in the universe. It naturally follows that this luminosity exists within us all.

Throughout history wise elders, teachers and gurus have spoken of the process of enlightenment, a connection to the divine which is clearly expressed through the many teachings of Kurikindi. Teachings which come from a direct translation of the wisdom shared through his visions of the Divine, a connection which he continues to maintain.

Many of us lack the knowledge needed to nurture and maintain our light, unconsciously causing damage to our luminosity through the mundane choices we make as we walk our path.

We find ourselves on a journey, searching for the healer, a teacher who will deliver this wisdom and truth, often finding ourselves on a winding path of confusion, caught within the multitude of spiritual paths present in today’s society. Always seeking but never finding what is actually missing from these circles, the truth and essence of the divine teachings.


It is only the healer who works in the light, who walks a path guided by their connection with the divine that embodies the understanding of what it is to be luminous.

Through the integrity expressed in every aspect of their life, both inside and out of the ceremonial space, such a healer walks strongly in their divine light, as a luminous being, a teacher such as Kurikindi. It is through his integrity and honourable way of living, separate from ambition and selfish gain, he is in the position to strongly maintain his light and pass on his divine wisdom to help others build their luminosity.

The path of the warrior of light is one of service to humanity, to pachamama and to the divine. These qualities form an integral part of Kurikindi’s teachings, creating the space within others to build their authenticity, their uniqueness and their light. An opportunity to reconnect to our true essence, that seed of light from which we began. For our luminosity to flower we must be guided by someone who can help to nurture our process, with the wisdom, experience and the integrity needed to grow and maintain this most sacred part of ourselves, our most sacred connection.

Once achieved this state of luminosity brings in a universal level of wisdom and expansion into divine energy frequency, but it can only be reached and maintained by a heart which lives truly in unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and humility.


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