

Shamanism, when practised in the light, assists in the evolution of humanity, calling in the beginning of a new era and the mission of the divine.


Shamanic arts have been practised for thousands of years, by indigenous communities, allowing a deep connection to ourselves, nature, the elements and the wisdom of the divine.

Shamanism offers the opportunity to develop ourselves beyond the physical level, bringing in a new understanding of energy and the qualities needed to work with it.

With guidance many new skills can come to light. This can range from the development of telepathy and visionary abilities to a connection with intergalactic realms and a deeper understanding of the mind, body and spirit.

There are many who practice shamanism but very few who work in the light. The foundation of all of Kurikindi’s work is his connection to the divine and his ability to work with the light in his shamanism, this presenting a very unique opportunity.


Shamanism, when practised in the light, assists in the evolution of humanity, calling in the beginning of a new era and the mission of the divine.

Kurikindi works with many medicinal plants to cleanse the mind, body and spirit. A clean foundation is fundamental to build your shamanism and your light.

From this space we can begin to learn what it truly means to walk in a clean way without the baggage of stagnant, dark energies blocking us from our true life essence.


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To find out more about the centre, our service and facilities or any other questions you may have that will assist in planning your visit, please follow the link below.

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