The Elements2023-07-13T21:02:59+00:00

The Elements

We each have an individual responsibility, to contribute towards a global shift within the heart of humanity, by finding that place of peace and clarity within, the same expression witnessed from the elements every day.


There are many physical aspects of life, which make our existence a beautiful experience: family and friends, animals and nature, food and water, the sun and the rain, the moon and the stars. All of these and more add to the quality of the lives we live.

Each share a common thread and foundation of creation, the elements. Earth, Air, Wind and Fire the components of all life on the planet.

Each of the elements, unique in their expression and ability, together working harmoniously, synchronising their magic to nourish the food that we eat, to water the lands, to sustain us all. The sustenance of humanity is often forgotten in the modern world paradigm.

Many have become blind to the humble efforts of the elements which give and support all life on earth, this limiting their understanding of themselves, of all life and of the universe.


We each have an individual responsibility, to contribute towards a global shift within the heart of humanity, by finding that place of peace and clarity within, the same expression witnessed from the elements every day.

We are nature, so just as the elements exist in our external environment, so do they exist within our internal space. Earth and the body, fire and the heart, water and the blood, air and the breath.

With the existence of a balanced elemental system within us, we can begin to harmonise and balance our mind, body and spirit on many frequencies. Thus creating space for us to understand the element of ether where a deeper connection to the universal wisdom of life and light can be discovered.

When we harness the wisdom and balance of the elements we can begin to transform ourselves, understanding not just the physical world but also the energetic worlds of Uku Pacha (Underworld), Kai Pacha (Physical World) and Awn Pacha (Universe).

We exist in Kai Pacha, with both light and dark energies, the latter providing the distraction and contamination which has blocked humanity’s heart in remembering the interconnected energy shared with the Universe, a relationship each of us are born with.


Just as the elements cultivate balance and harmony, their wisdom offers us the opportunity to also achieve balance in our lives.

This journey towards heightened understanding and awareness is developed through a process of cleansing, dieta, deep prayer and meditation, with the heart and mind guided towards humility and respect for ourselves and for all that exists. This will bring about an enhanced connection within us and a greater connection to all life around us, allowing for the growth of an authentic expression of energy.

The meaning of Kawsay, the foundation of this project is ‘the essence and harmonious balance of life’. To achieve Kawsay in our lives, we each have to cultivate the seed of light which the divine has placed within us, bringing a clear and balanced connection within our mind, body and spirit and creating space for universal wisdom to enter.


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