Universal Wisdom & Divine Connection2023-06-06T23:41:27+00:00

Universal Wisdom & Divine Connection

There are many names and references used for the divine, God, the creator, great spirit to name a few, but we must be clear that whatever the reference we choose, there is only one God, one Divine.


Many wisdom keepers foretold a time when people from all corners of the world would come together to unite in the light.

This ancient prophecy of eagle and condor brings together the balance between the masculine and feminine energies, bringing a clear expression of the divine.

The eagle represents the masculine energy and the focus of the mind and the condor represents the feminine energy and the softness of the heart.

Through this prophecy we are given an understanding of the shifting paradigm and higher level of consciousness offered to humanity.

This ancestral wisdom encompasses the connection between the natural world and the universal community, opening the gateway to the intergalactic realms, building bridges with all beings of light.

Our generation plays an important part in the beginning of this era of light, which requires us to prepare ourselves so that we can translate and understand the messages from nature, from the heart and from divine connection. At this time the calling will be to choose between a path in the light or a path in darkness.

It is our responsibility as guardians of the future to choose well, to open our hearts, where we can find our true essence, where space is created for the truth of the divine to enter. The prophecy serves to preserve the sacred essence of life for humanity, pachamama and the future generation.


There are many names and references used for the divine, God, the creator, great spirit to name a few, but we must be clear that whatever the reference we choose, there is only one God, one Divine.

The divine is the highest of all the frequencies in the universe and the origin of the light and our collective essence. The doorway to the divine is waiting for each of us to walk through and it is found in our hearts. Only through the true understanding of humility can we find this sacred place within ourselves. Through humility we can begin to receive the blessings of divine guidance in our lives. Humility instils many good virtues within us, unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. Each virtue cultivates seeds of light not just for ourselves but also for the rest of humanity which they receive through our transformation. For these qualities to become part of our authentic selves a commitment to choose to walk in this way, in all aspects of life is needed. We will all make mistakes and face challenges, we are human after all, but we can always carry the intention to be in a divine way, “none of us are perfect but it is enough to walk in the path of perfection”.

Through a dedicated practice of cleansing, meditation and prayer we all have the opportunity to walk in a divine way, to become the warriors of light who will play their part in the transformation of this middle world, our world. Changing darkness into light and preserving the future for our children who will become the wisdom keepers of the new era. It is through the dedication and commitment to these principles where the discovery of true universal magic is found. There is no shortcut or alternative route to the divine, “the divine cannot be bought or sold, we need to be honourable”. Each one of us has the choice and responsibility to re-establish our divine connection or to continue living in a mundane way which keeps us from discovering our true essence. To walk a path with the divine, one of service, is to plant the seeds of light needed to bring harmony into the world, creating a new platform for existence, one which preserves the future for our children, the next generation of light warriors.


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