

I had reached another one of those moments in my life, a deep uncomfortable spiritual death occurring, my vision so blurred I couldn’t really see a way out. I had an invitation to attend a ten day course with Kurikindi at his centre. There was resistance but the knowing I had to be there was louder.

I arrived not in the best shape mentally, physically or spiritually but my body relaxed when we arrived in Quito. I knew I was going to be okay. I was greeted by Alex and our conversation along with the similarities in our character were warming/comforting.

The work began immediately after arriving in Quito with tobacco cleansing then shortly after we were on the road to the Rainforest to the Kurikindi Kawsay Centre. It’s a really, really incredible place with some very well built structures and facilities. It was the 5* jungle experience.

Kurikindi is an incredible man. I’m so so grateful for the care ,the love and the accuracy of the healing that took place. It was a new experience all together. It was difficult but I had a new found strength immediately. Chilli and ginger helped me alot and I have brought the use of tobacco and chilli into my everyday life. I couldn’t be without them helping me to maintain myself to be in a clean and clear way.

My experience with the master medicine, just like the other medicines was so different .So subtle yes so precise. It’s true mystery. I’ve been with many shamans all over this world but have never been able to maintain such strong posture consistently in my life as I do now having spent time with Kurikindi.

Life changing is an understatement.

The ground and the land speaks for itself, like I said it’s a deep jungle experience with top knotch catering, 5 * hospitality run by group of young, polite, hard working and inspiring young men holding it all together .

But there’s no holding back in the work that will take place and the transformation that will inevitably follow. Thank you so so much. You help me see. You helped me walk strong in the light. Eternal gratitude x

Billy, Essex

I’ve visited the Kurikindi Kawsay Centre on 3 occasions. Once by myself and twice with my family, which includes our little boy of 1.   The centre feels like another home.  A place for myself and my family to go deeper and deeper in search of truth. To awaken and strengthen our connection with the Divine and to bit by bit remove all that prevents us living in our essence. A place that feels like home where we can learn the path back to just that… Home.

This isn’t a centre that encourages a passive experience, Kurikindi shares, teachers and heals from his heart, creating a space for every visitor to become an active participant in their own healing.

Maybe one of the most important things for us as a family was that our little boy was and is welcome. When we talk about Children being our future, Kurikindi honours that truth with integrity through welcoming and accommodating children in a safe way.

I could write for hours about the wonderful ceremonies, the feel and frequency of the land, the wisdom of the plants, the amazing wisdom shared by Kurikindi and the truly transformative nature of a visit to the Kurikindi Kawsay Centre but words can only do so much.

Each visit enables me to open a little more truth inside on my way home. I have not doubt it will enable the same for anyone who feels a call to visit.  On a practical note the centre’s facilities are top quality whilst everything is cleaned and maintained impeccably”.

Alex, London

This year at Kurikindi Kawsay, my husband and I had an extraordinary experience deepening our shamanic training and having the opportunity to solidify – both individually and as a family – our desire for the divine path of life.

In the centre we were able to comfortably enjoy the stillness of the land with its astonishing beauty, connecting with nature, the elements and the ancestral teachings of Kurikindi. We were also welcomed, mentored and assisted by some of his closest family members.

During ceremonies, daily life tests and adventures, we witnessed and shared many aspects of the magic world and a profound spiritual knowledge, awakening to a completely new realm of human consciousness.

This is a place for those who intend to brave their deepest selves into remembering who they truly are and what one’s genuine purpose in life is…

A ‘workout’ towards Pure Love and Divine Frequency.

Silvia, Sardinia

Amazing experience in every way possible. Every effort has been made to make the experience as comfortable as possible to ensure attendees receive the best service both in and out of ceremonial spaces.

Here you are offered a genuine experience in a safe space with people who truly care about your well-being and path ahead. Not only do they care but it’s very clear to see they have the necessary knowledge and experience to facilitate and manage the spaces in a good way.

The rooms are amazing, with running showers, double bed and a hammock. This offered a comfortable yet authentic experience of the rainforest. The food is amazing with 3 meals offered per day.

On a personal level, this retreat centre has helped me to create the awareness within my own life to create lasting changes for the better.

Harry, London
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